#1 Leader in Smart Home Automation

We automate homes and make them "Smart."

What is a "Smart Home?" A Smart Home is one that provides its home owners comfort, security, energy efficiency (low operating costs) and convenience at all times, regardless of whether anyone is home.

 Our experts will consult with you to assess your needs, install all the necessary hardware and set everything up on the software/networking side so that you are all ready to start your new, easy life. They will also teach you how to use it so that you don't just have an expensive showpiece lying around.

We install lights, thermostats, locks and much, much more. 

Use your voice to change the channel, have your coffee automatically ready in the morning or have your A/C start to cool your home when you leave from work.
No need to get out of bed and trip on things on the floor on your way to the light switch!

Contact us now to get started!

View the video below to see some of the cool features you can add to your home. 


    What is Home Automation?
    Home Automation is automating the control of your home so it works for you, adding convenience and making your life easier, even while saving energy! It can be as basic as dimming lights with a remote control or as complex as setting up a network of items in your home (such as a thermostat, security system, lighting and appliances) that can be programmed using a main controller, your cell phone from anywhere in the world or even your voice! It is now possible, using wireless home automation devices to control every aspect of your home environment without installing a single wire.

    The definition and capabilities of home automation have changed considerably over the years. Three decades ago, when home automation was rarely thought of by most people, consumers were promised "the home of the future." Home automation was known primarily to enthusiasts in luxury homes. Today's technology makes it simpler and has finally become a mainstream reality for the average consumer wanting to live in a "smart home". The numerous benefits of today's home automation solutions include: safety and security, energy savings, money savings, convenience and control. It can also improve the daily life of seniors and the disabled by offering voice control and safety items.